![]() (and yes, it's legit) ![]() ![]() Thursday, 3-9-2k Update by: ME    Hello again. I suppose it might seem like i've been delinquent since my last main-page update was a month ago, but i haven't been idle. You might notice i've done some significant cosmetic making-over to all of the pages; also, ALL of the rest of the 8-1-99 show has been posted now for several days.    That's not the big news though. Actually, the BIG news is that tour dates have been announced. But, MY big news is that I'm now hosting 2 rare ASF videos from Live at the 10-spot. Check my live-mp3 page for them. Also, i'd encourage everyone to check out James' site, Say Goodbye, seeing as how i originally got the vids from him (and he's got a pretty nice site). Well, that's all i can think of for now, so until next time. ~FaLcO98 Tuesday 2-8-2K Update by: Falco98    Hey all. Now that school is finally in full swing again, i finally have time to do a little page maintenance. Also if you didn't realize it, my FTP is now back up and more powerful than ever, and i've updated the MP3 page with a new addition to the 8-1-99 show.    I hope everyone's had a good winter [break or not], and i know we're all eagerly anticipating this spring's new album! Be sure to check out the message board (as that's the best way to reach me and to find shows), and watch out for B&P offers! Till next time, ~Falco98 Friday 1-7-99 Updated by: Falco98 Just a quick update. I'd like to let everyone know about the page of a friend of mine, 2MuchDave. Right now he's running a poll to see which concert he should post on his upcoming MP3 FTP site. So while you're thinking about it, GO VOTE NOW! Thanks! ~Falco98 Tuesday 12-28-99 Updated by: Falco98 Sorry for the lateness of this update. I promise i've not gone AWOL on everyone (if you're ever in doubt, check the message forum, and you'll see that i post there at least daily). You may notice that the mp3 links on the mp3 page aren't working; due to the fact that they're hosted off of my dorm computer, and the fact that for the next month i won't be in my dorm, the mp3's will be down for the next month. If you have other ideas for how i could host them (or you have a server or a fast connection..), my ears are open. Anyway, stay tuned. ~Falco98 Tuesday 11-16-99 Updated by: Falco98 Today i got word from an official source that the PBS video release of 'Listener Supported' (the september live-recorded PBS performance), will be released on DVD early next year. For some people, this is meaningless, but for many of us this is music to our ears. Personally, i've been craving DMB on DVD for some time, and finally it will come to be. Also, the 2-CD set will be released next week, on the 23rd. Of course if you've been around, this shouldn't surprise you, but it's still noteworthy and will be a worthy addition to the live-CD subset. I've just updated the mp3 page -- sorry i've not done it for a heavy week now, but life can be tough ;-) Until next time.. ~Falco Thursday 10-28-99 Updated by: Falco98 I've again updated the mp3 page in regards to the 8-1-99 MP3's. We are now offering numbers 8 and 9, which are 'Song that Jane Likes', and a sweet 15-minute version of 'Two Step'. I highly recommend it. PLEASE only download one at a time! Also while you're here, please stop by the message forum and look around, if you never have before, and perhaps post a question or comment. That's what it's there for! Also i'd like to make a note (or shameless plug..) The alladvantage banner you see at the top.. That stuff is for real. I've made over $100 on it so far, and i'd encourage you to sign up if you're not already a member. (end shameless plug) Till next time, enjoy the site! ~Falc� Thursday 10-7-99 Updated by: Falco98 If you've been wondering, i haven't abandoned the site.. I've just been too lazy to do an update to the main page for a few weeks now. However you may have noticed that the 8-1-99 mp3's have been slowly but steadily progressing, and now we're on numbers 5 and 6 (out of 18 or so). Remember, since the show is hosted directly off my FTP, i can't do too many at once. Nonetheless, i'm gonna try and give everyone an oppurtunity to get all the songs, and even after they've been removed they still pop up on my FTP (and the FTP's of others). I guess that's about all i have to say for now. Until next time, download what you can, and post in the forum (just to be friendly)! ~Falco98 Monday 9-20-99 Updated by: Falco98 Hello all.. After a refreshing weekend (and not-so-refreshing Monday), I've gotten some more 'page' energy. You'll find that the first mp3 from 8-1-99 is down, and now #'s 2 and 3 are posted for all to download. I'd like to say again, PLEASE don't use the flimsy netscape downloader to get the files, because sometimes my FTP shuts down and it doesn't care if you're in the middle of a file. So, everyone enjoy, and check back in often for more! Also, please visit the message board and post your views on things (if you have views on anything), so we might be able to build on this community some. Hopefully soon i should get the chat room 'officially' started again, but until then you prolly won't much in there. Later, ~Falco98 Friday 9-17-99 Updated by: Falco98 Just another quick update before the weekend, to say that i've added the second song in the 8-1-99 Nissan Pavillion MP3 show. If you haven't gotten the first song yet, you still have a little more time to do so before i remove it (and even then it'll go to my FTP). I'll try to cycle through the rest a little more quickly now, so keep on your toes! (Also, i'd appreciate it if everyone downloaded the "Info and Playlist" zip file located right next to the mp3 links, on the mp3 page. It gives credit to the taper, and has useful show info). Also, if my FTP seems to be down sometimes i apologize. It's hard to keep it always up, and yesterday in the hurricane, my comp was getting power hits all day, so i had to leave it off. Also, I need to disable it occasionally for system maintenance and such. So, since you will never be able to tell when my FTP will go down (and, with it, the 8-1-99 mp3's you might be getting), PLZ don't use the netscape downloader (it can't resume a transfer, as far as i know). There's a neat shareware app called 'Getright', available at any popular download site. Well i guess that's it for now. I'll update again in a few days max! ~Falco98 Sunday 9-12-99 Updated by: Falco98 Another update. Woo-Hoo!! Today's update is indeed a special one. It is to herald the return of live MP3's to the DMB Palace at www.davematthews.org! I'll be posting 8-1-99 at nissan pavillion, first, anyway (this is a DMB Palace exclusive! Nowhere else will you find an authorized mp3 copy of the show unless you taped it yourself). Check out the Mp3 Page for exact details. One thing: Seeing as how i'm not hosted by a web server like the mp3's on this page used to be, i'm not sure how constant/reliable the access will be to the songs i'll be posting. I can only say, be patient and diligent, and i'll work on new ways to host them (perhaps i can bum some server space from friends of mine - if anyone wants to volunteer some let me know!). Fear not if you miss an mp3 that's gone through posting; They'll be available on my FTP. On a personal note, i'd like to give a shout out to all my peeps at UMD, especially those who I tailgated with the other day in lot 2 (you know who you are!). Thanx for bein cool! Enjoy the page (also head to the message forum and post! hehe). See y'all again soon! ~Falco98 Wednesday 9-8-99 Updated By: Falco98 Hello again. A brief update to bring up-to-date those of you who have no clue what's going on with the page. First, i'd like to point everyone towards the Fans Page, where i've posted some pretty neat stuff. Read about it and download the MP3 there. Also you may notice i'm gradually making more and more aesthetic changes to the site. I'm aiming for a new look (some derivative of the old one, as i don't wanna scrap the current HTML yet), so if you have any ideas, feel free to post them in the Message Forum. Also, soon i'll be making a few announcements to start things rolling around here once again, so stay tuned. Later, ~Falco98 Monday 08/30/99 @ 12:45 p.m edt Updated By: Falco98 Hello all. Yes, this page has been updated! After a summer of disarray, we've finally brought the page and forum back into control. Now there is the issue of what to do with the site now that it's no longer officially "moosey's". I plan to do updates, hopefully regularly, and also post some mp3's (perhaps nissan pavillion when i get it, from my FTP). So now, i suppose everyone can relax a bit, now that the forum is secure and the page is non-defunct (for now! hehe). If anyone has any suggestions, drop them in the forum. Later ~Falco98 ![]() |